tikTok design

tikTok design

Website Design, Website Management & Virtual Meetings

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tikTok design

About tikTok design

The Original tikTok design since 2014

Started in 2014, long before the now famous tiktok, tikTok design was originally a website design business. Now we have expanded into website management, where tikTok design manages the whole online presence of your business, from running email campaigns to uploading new content, building new sections to fit with your business, so as your business expands, your website also grows.

Our newest venture is high quality stock images and 4K & HD video clips.

Our sister site - tikTok stock, is where you will find all the images and video clips at a fantastic price and fantastic quality. We also have a large selection of FREE images for you to download and use in your next projects, all you have to do in order to get your hands on all the awesome free stuff, is sign up with your name and email, that's it!

Due to the recent COVID disaster in 2020, holding face-to-face meetings and courses were no longer possible, this is where the new virtual format of meetings really took off.

Using software such as Microsoft Teams or Zoom, tikTok design will handle all your meeting requirements, from organising the meeting structure, monitoring the virtual waiting rooms, to hosting the meeting.

What we do

Website Design

Whatever type of site your business or project requires, tikTok design will build your new website to suit your exact requirements.

From small one-page brochure sites to multi-page, complex content management systems, we can cover them all.

You are always in charge of your project, we work closely with you to ensure this.

Website Management

At tikTok design, we don't just build you a fantastic new website, we can also manage it for you, leaving you free to do what you do best - run your business!

This ensures you always have a professional looking, up to date website.

Virtual Meetings

Virtual meetings are becoming more and more popular than ever. Due to the COVID disaster in 2019, businesses had to adjust from running face-to-face meetings and courses, to hosting virtual meetings and courses.

Here at tikTok design, we can help you organise your next meeting, from running email campaigns, setting up the meeting, sending out the invites, hosting etc. In fact tikTok design can be as involved as you need, you decide!

A Little Of Our Work



International Paediatric Pathology Association
Routenburn Golf Club


Routenburn Golf Club


Prime Global Health
tikTok stock

tikTok Stock

Stock Images and 4k & HD Video Clips


The Paediatric Pathology Society

Findlay Irvine

Electro-mechanical and software products


British & Irish Paediatric Pathology Association


Reflexology, Zu-Qigong, Core Energy and more...